AI Projects with Clients

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EV Demand In USA

Webscraped Data from EV models database, and combined multiple tables into a single dataset for consumers and policy makers with EV interests.

Customer Churn Classification

Predicted Risk Scores of Customers who might unsubscribe from services with an ML model so the company knows who to target in marketing efforts.

Time Series

Predicting Air Traffic Demand for the San Francisco International Airport in 2024 with time series modeling and made extensive data visualizations.

Computer Vision (object counting)

Using TensorFlow Object Detection API, video splitting algorithm, and transfer learning to count agricultural projects in video frames, drastically reducing tedious human labor.

Computer Vision (object detection)

Trained a customized computer vision model to identify cyclists in images by setting up data transformation, training, and inference pipelines.

Business Analytics for Davis Businesses

Web-scrapped data from Yelp to quantify and understand the businesses and consumer preferences in the City of Davis.

Computer Vision (object detection)

Trained a customized computer vision model to identify cyclists in images by setting up data transformation, training, and inference pipelines.

Web-scrapped data from Yelp to quantify and understand the businesses and consumer preferences in the City of Davis.